Fraternizing With The Enemy
by John J. Xenakis


The Battered Woman Package

The The Battered Woman Package is a package of payments and services that any woman can get by claiming to be battered or abused, whether the charges are true or not. How much is the Battered Woman Package worth?

A false charge of battering is valuable for the woman bringing the charges, and is very lucrative for a number of women's organizations that provide the services. These organizations -- social service organizations, court clinics, women's shelters, visitation centers, feminist legal services agencies, women's protective services -- all stand to gain sums of money by supporting as many false charges of battering and abuse as possible.

One man, Rick Brita, has estimated how much money these women's organizations have collected from the taxpayer. His case is a somewhat unusual one -- his ex-girlfriend, with whom he has two children, is an illegal alien who brought false charges of domestic violence in order to keep from being deported. Click here for Rick Brita's story.

According to Brita's estimates, his girlfriend's successful strategy for avoiding deportation has cost the taxpayers $321,000 -- and it's increasing by tens of thousands per year.

Here's a breakdown of all the money that taxpayers have paid for this woman, who used brought false charges of abuse to avoid deportation. These figures are provided by estimates from Brita:

Expense Item Estimated Expense
Welfare and food stamps -- 8 years at $300 per month. $28,800
Full medical coverage -- medical insurance for herself and two children, including free medication and co-payments -- 8 years at $800 per month. $76,800
Free Section 8 housing -- 8 years at $1000 per month $96,000
Free Safe House -- 8 times over six year period, 1-3 months each time, total estimate of 12 months, at $60 per night.
Feminists require women receiving aid to live in women's shelters for a few months each year, in order to build up the occupancy for these shelters in order to justify higher budgets.
Free Legal Support For Probate Court -- Over 200 court appearances and hearings, requiring women's organization lawyers, paralegals, and other support personnel.
Note: The ex-girlfriend is given extensive legal support, including massive preparation, legal searches, filings, document preparation, and so forth. They even spend money to have someone pick up the ex-girlfriend, drive her to the courthouse, and drive her back.
Estimate 8 hours of support average for each appearance, and at an average cost of $30 per hour.
Free Immigration Law Support -- Estimate about 200 hours of support to the ex-girlfriend, who is an illegal alien, at $50 per hour.
The higher hourly rate is justified, since immigration law is a higher-priced specialty.
Free Day Care -- Ex-girlfriend has been putting the children into day care for 5 days per week for four years. Estimating $200 per week for 200 weeks. $40,000
Total Expense $321,000

That's $321,000 for just one false charge of abuse. There are 70,000 such charges brought by women's organizations each year in Massachusetts alone, so false charges of abuse cost taxpayers tens of millions of dollars in Massachusetts, and billions of dollars nationwide.

Copyright © 1986-2003 by John J. Xenakis