Fraternizing With The Enemy
by John J. Xenakis


Divorced Men -- Questions and Answers

Are you a man going through a divorce? (Or a woman caring for a man going through a divorce?) Fraternizing With The Enemy gives you information that's available nowhere else:

Why Are Social Workers So Acrimonious?

Why do social workers generally treat all men as perpetrators and women as victims? Why do social workers have a policy of always siding with the mother against the father, irrespective of the facts, except in the most extreme circumstances?

Fraternizing With The Enemy is the only book that tells you exactly how social workers think, how they reason, why they say and do the things they do, and what their hidden agendas are. Although many social workers are top-notch professionals, it seems that many others are women who evidently aren't very intelligent, but do enjoy bashing men. These social workers are really extremely predictable, once you understand what their agenda is. Read Fraternizing With The Enemy to learn how to evaluate social workers and how to talk to them.

Why Are Children Safer With Their Fathers Than With Their Mothers?

Most child abusers are mothers. A child's mother is twice as likely to batter, beat, abuse, starve or neglect a child as the child's father is.

Social workers' favorite hobby horse is sexual abuse, which is a small part (10%) of the child abuse problem, but is the only form where fathers are perpetrators more often than mothers.

However, the most likely sexual abuse perpetrator is neither the father nor the mother, but the mother's boyfriend (or the child's stepfather). That means that, overall, children are safest living with their biological fathers.

Fraternizing With The Enemy is loaded with statistics and facts. It gives you the information you need to help you decide the best custody or visitation arrangements for your children.

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Copyright © 1986-2003 by John J. Xenakis