The Journal of Hope
 A Publication Supporting The Center of Hope for Women, Addressing Domestic Violence, and Finding hope

Center of Hope
Rosemarie Greene
12 Steps - Overcoming Abuse
Recommended Books and Films
Hope Partners
Journal of Hope
Issue #26, Oct-Dec, 2002
Issue #25, Jul-Sep, 2002
Spanish Town, Jamaica

A Gathering of Friends of the Center of Hope

A group of people will come together to meet bi-monthly to talk about life in general. No, these are not necessarily people who have been abused as many of us have been, but some are happily people and partners who simply want to spread the word of hope and be uplifted or give a word of hope at these gatherings. Sometimes we are alone, sometimes we are married, but this provides time to talk, talk about what's on your mind. In days like these, where tension builds, where we are always on "alert", we believe we can come together in a meaningful way, share with each other, meet new people, and greet old friends.

It will be a free flowing gathering, meaning, we come in our simplicity, wanting to talk, wanting to share the word of hope.

If you have any ideas, if you are lonely, if you simply want to sit and listen, we would like you to join us.

We will also ask you to bring something to share-food, from the market, or homemade.

I will try to serve Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee. If not, I will definitely bring something.

So this is an open invitation to you and your spouse or partner to join us.

All are welcome here, male and female alike.

A place has not yet been designated, so if you have a large home and can accommodate perhaps 10 people to start, do let us know if you would like to make that offer.

We only ask that people who join us respect each other's confidentiality as people will speak freely. Thank you.

Our number is 978-462-1119. And my name is Rosemarie

Copyright © 2002 by Rosemarie Greene
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